Bakehouse Factory

Theatrical Events, Bristol


Bristol Zoo Gorilla, 2022

This giant Gorilla sculpture was commissioned by Bristol Zoo for their final summer at their central Bristol location.

I worked with a team of scenic artists to texture and paint the gorilla.

You can see the article from the Bristol Post Here and the BBC article Here.


Lending Libraries

Project designed by Katie Hart for Bakehouse Factory clients

Above is the colour designs I mocked up on Photoshop to send to the client for their decisions. The final lending libraries were painted by the Bakehouse Scenic team.


Platinum Jubilee at Festival Place

Event design and management by Katie Hart

This is the table design for the Jubilee event at Festival Place shopping centre in Basingstoke. I designed the table decorations using Photoshop to create a collage. I then sourced all the flowers, cakes, tea sets and decorations for the event and dressed the set on location.

This is the final decoration for the display table. The large felt cakes were made by me and the others were sourced from independent makers.