Bexley’s Brilliant Birthday

Created by Brymore Productions

 Created by Brymore Productions

Performed by Hollie and Sean Bryant

Photos by Brymore Productions

Bexley was made for Brymore Productions family friendly interactive show Bexley’s Brilliant Birthday which toured the UK in 2019. Bexley is made of a mixture of recycled, found and new materials. He has a body made of sponge so that he is friendly and squashy for children to touch and engage with.

Bexley’s head is controlled with a thumb rest trigger making his head move up and down and left to right

Puppeteers Holly and Sean in action with Bexley and Dotty the Dog

Bexley is designed to be easily controlled by one puppeteer as Brymore Productions is a two person team



Initial ideas for Bexley’s shape and mechanisms

Assembling the body using reclaimed upholstery foam and light weight polystyrene

A body made of squishy foam makes him softer to interact with

The back handle is fixed in place with glue, epoxy and screws to keep it secure

Padding the feet with foam and polystyrene

Bexley’s costume being added